My Trust Score
What is My Trust Score?
My Trust Score is literally what it sounds like. Answerable is committing to building a new web3 distributed infrastructure that supports knowledge and accountability. It’s no accident that our company name is answerable. Answerable means;
a) To be able to answer questions
b) To be held to account
Every user on the answerable platform gets a My Trust Score, similar to a personal credit score with banks, which goes from 0 to 800 points.
Members can boost their Trust Scores based on;
– Being active in the community
– Helping flag content for brands
– Answering questions
– Receiving up votes
– can earn badges in specific topics, say Beauty, once they receive
Why does this matter for members?
– Too often we look at ratings and review in aggregate but don’t really know if the person giving advice is an expert or “like me”
– My Trust Score is tied to a members advice in the community at large and a clear as day
Why does this matter for brands?
– Brands can use My Trust Score the same way a bank would use your personal credit score
– Brands can use My Trust Score to help identify top staff or customers
– Brands can use My Trust Score as a mechanism for rewarding staff or customers
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